Rekonstruktion der Aufführung der Oper „Sieg über die Sonne“ von 1913. Das Band beginnt mit einer kurzen Einleitung und Hintergrundinformationen zu dem Projekt, an dem u.a. die Theaterhistorikerin Alma Law beteiligt war, die gemeinsam mit Mel Gordon zur Schauspielausbildung in Russland am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts veröffentlicht hat.
Aus der Beschreibung des Projekts:
„A film re-creation of the 1913 Futurist performance which was a collaboration of the Russian Futurist painter Kazimir Malevich, the musician Michail Matiushin, and the writer Alexei Kruchenykh. This Cubo-Futurist opera was intended to herald a "new age" in art. Staged in Sankt Petersburg with movable colored spotlights and a centralized lighting control, it was a seminal piece of what we would today call Performance Art.
A re-creation of an original Russian play held in conjunction with the exhibition „The Avant-Garde in Russia,1910-1930.“
Originally produced at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in 1980 in conjunction with the exhibition, 'The Avante-Garde in Russia, 1910-1930 ; New Perspectives'.
Original text by Alexei Kruchenykh
Original stage and costume designs by Kazimir Malevich
Stage re-creation by Robert Benedetti
Costumes recreated by Martha Ferrara
Prologue by Velemir Khlebnikov
Translated by Charlotte Douglas
English translation of the original Russian script by Larissa Shmailo.
Produced in collaboration with the California Institute of the Arts.“