Teil 2: 8635
Zwei Filme (Französisch/Englisch).
Film 1:
- Presentacion
- Le théâtre d'Étienne Decroux I
- Le matin
- L'usine
- Le théâtre d'Étienne Decroux II
- La statue
- L'esprit malin
- Les arbres
Regie: Gilbert Comte, 26 min.
Film 2: 'The mime of Étienne Decroux'
- Man of sport
- Weight lifter
- The Rope
- The Extensor
- The Bell
- Push
- Discobol
- Mobile Statuary
- The farewell of the Kiss
- Descending in the tomb
- Descending
- La melancolie
- Man of the Drawing room
- Walk and Sit
- Waiter and Plates
- Illusionism
- Walk and Run
- Carpenter
- Washer Woman
- The Meditation
- The Factory
- The Trees
- L'esprit malin
Regie: Gene Mckinney, 57 min.