Videoaufnahme der Lecture Demonstrations mit anschließendem Gespräch. How do you teach performance and how do you perform teaching? What's the base of your practice? What do you give? What do you expect? Die Künstler und Dozenten werden Ausschnitte ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit zeigen und sich in einem gemeinsamen Gespräch über ihre Praxis in Unterricht und Performance austauschen.
MIT: Frey Faust, Rosalind Crisp, Dieter Heitkamp
MODERATION: Andrew Morrish
The artists and teachers will show excerpts and works in progresses and afterwards enter into conversation about teaching and performing practice. This is a rare meeting of a group of artists that can look back upon many decades of teaching and performing, sharing thoughts and questions on these two parts of their work and reflecting on how deeply they are connected. [Quelle:]
WITH: Frey Faust, Rosalind Crisp, Dieter Heitkamp
HOST: Andrew Morrish
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