Die ungarische Tänzerin und Choreografin erzählt zur Musik von Terre Thaemlitz die Lebensgeschichte der Eszter Salamon. Dafür reiste sie in ein Dorf im Süden Ungarns und führte Interviews mit einer 62-jährigen Namensvetterin. Das dabei entstandene Material ist Ausgangspunkt für das Reenactment einer Biografie, die von den gegensätzlichen politischen Systemen Ungarns und von dem Wunsch nach individueller Unabhängigkeit geprägt ist. Mit außerordentlicher Präzision eignet sich Eszter Salomon die Erzählung, den Gestus und die Sprache ihrer Interviewpartnerin an. Konstruktionsmechanismen von Erinnerung und ihre mögliche Weitergabe werden in ihrer Komplexität sichtbar.
Melodrama" is a solo "documentary performance" in which Eszter Salamon re-enacts interviews she made in 2006 and 2012 with a woman living in a small village in Southern Hungary and who happens to share her name. Reading her homonym, Salamon embodies the 62 year-old woman's life-story and by memory revisits her gestures and intonations onstage, thus offering the possibility for the spectators to experience the course of a lifetime within the performance's duration. The result is a meditation not only on the possibility of getting inside another person's skin, but the extent to which personal hopes and desires exceed the determinations of class, age, geography and religion.
"You are the first one I tell all this to. I've never told this story to anyone before. That first time you came to talk to me, I thought you had really strange taste. Then, when you wrote me that you wanted to make another interview with me, I asked my children and they told me I should do it - I was so happy after the first one.
And now you are going to play me ? You mean, say just what I told you on stage? All of it ? But you are much younger then me. And who is going to be interested in my story? But could you please, change the names of my husbands? I wouldn't want to embarass them or get them into trouble. Imagine if you play the piece in Budapest."
Eszter Salamon
[Quelle: Abendzettel]
Eszter Salamon