
“teheran re:public” is a new collective founded in Berlin and consists of five artists: Amirhossein Mashaherifard, Shahab Anousha, Gwendolin Lehnerer, Forough Fami and Anooshiravan Aria. At the core of the collective are Shahab, Amir, who all come from Tehran and have completed performing arts (performance studies, scenic research) in Germany. Forough is a Berlin based Choreographer and Anooshiravan, who lives in Tehran, works collectively as a video artist and Gwen as a new member connects the collective as a theatre scholar, dramaturge and curator with the German and international context.

Shahab Anousha

(1985), performance artist from Tehran, lives in Berlin. Active as performer, dramaturge and choreographer in the independent scene. Graduate of Performance Studies at the University of Hamburg. Co-founder of the performance collective tehran re:public.

Amirhossein Mashaherifard

Amirhossein Mashaherifard is a Performance artist from Tehran, active as Director and Choreographer. Studied at the Soore University in Tehran. In recent years he has been a member of the Scenic Research Program at the Ruhr University Bochum. Co-founder of the performance collective tehran re:public.

Gwendolin Domenica Lehnerer

lives in Berlin, studied theatre studies, philosophy and media culture at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and worked as assistant director on several theatre productions. In 2018 she attended the course Curating in the Scenic Arts at the Paris-Lodron University Munich as a scholarship holder of the Kulturstiftung Allianz and curated the platform “Behind the Scenes” for political curating in the course of the theatre festival “Politik im freien Theater”/2018 as part of the curator team. Since then she has been working as a freelance curator and has been a member of the performance collective tehran re:public since 2019. From October 2019 she will be doing her doctorate at the Mozarteum in Salzburg on exhibition practices in the scenic arts.

Forough Fami

After completing her marketing studies and becoming a member of Invisible Centre for Contemporary Dance (ICCD) in her hometown Tehran, she began her artistic practice in the world of contemporary dance. In search of other learning resources, she moved to Berlin in 2014 to study choreography, dance and context at the HZT (Hochschulübergreifende Zentrum Tanz) of the Berlin University of the Arts. Since 2017 she has been working independently, as well as a member of tehran re:public as a choreographer, performer ,dance writer and dance teacher.

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