A Sailor's Tale is a modern puppet opera performed with traditional Taiwanese puppets. The Taiyuan Puppet Theatre Company has developed music theatre over the past decades that integrate both Asian and Western elements. Stage, music and puppets are all original creations by the company.
The background of the story is the Franco-Chinese War from 1883-1885 and the battles that took place in Taiwan. A French sailor leads a happy life with his young wife. One day he takes leave of his wife and sets sail on a ship to Asia. He is shipwrecked in Taiwan and a story of war, friendship and redemption begins. The story is sung by French soprano Anne Rodier and accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Red Chang, who performs on five different Asian and Western instruments. The puppets are performed by young puppet talent Kuo Chien-fu together with Italian puppeteer Massimo Godoli Peli. A translation of the song texts is projected in English and Chinese.
This is an elegant music theatre performance for an audience of max. 250-300 people, ages form 12 years and older.