THE CAVE is a cyber punk opera on a popular theme: the Matrix. In the intersection between opera, cinema and new technologies, this radical performance calls for critical reflection on fake news and post truth. It’s a contemporary reinterpretation of Plato’s famous “Cave” allegory. Shadow puppetry, new media, visuals and music are all performed in real time by a cast of four. Nothing is ever still. Musicians, visual artists and shadow puppeteers meet the opera in a film about today’s Matrix, while audience’s challenged to reflect on the walls we build around us. Socrates is a robot’s voice and this sarcasm runs through the piece while mythological creatures pass as shadows of a another world all too close to ours; an interactive work that offers critical reflection on fake news and a social media digital world; above all, a living experience where all (shadows, video, sound, music) is created in real time with the use of new technologies and an innovative allure.
In Plato's allegory people are chained in a cave and they are facing the inside of the cave whereupon they see the shadows of the outside world. In so doing, they interpret “reality” through this optic of the shadows.
The cave brings out how the two-dimensional vision of the three-dimensional life translates in today’s realities in misconceptions that we may have regarding what’s going on as for example in the domains of politics, of society and of course ethics.