Tsotsi - The Musical is based on the gripping story of a young man involved in criminal activities, in a South African township. He operates as the influential leader of a small, but violent, gang.
His destructive lifestyle is put to the test when he accidentally becomes responsible for the well being of a small, helpless baby and through a process of introspection and honesty, redeems himself. However, it is short lived and he gets shot by a vengeful female gangster.
The setting and style of this musical speak directly to the daily life dilemmas of many young South Africans and while the directness of the action is too strong for small children, young adults who attended in large numbers, responded with passion to the action on stage. The themes are however universal and people all over the world can identify with these characters and situations.
There are also lighter, humorous moments and excellent dancing sequences. Most dialogue is in English, interpolated with dialect.