Oh Magic wanders through the wonders of theatrical magic. It is that mysterious unnamable thing we sometimes have the chance to encounter in a piece. But, where does it come from and where does it take us? What fascinates us as a performer or as a spectator? Somewhere between freak and fascination, Simon Mayer and his performers seek for the answers both in technological manipulation and organic oracles.
Oh Magic is a live concert, played by robots and performers. Using musical instruments in an unconventional way they bring dance and performance, music and soundscapes, robotics and visual arts together on stage.
Our futuristic fantasies take shape in today's technology, which never seizes to fascinate and –even if only a little— grab us by the troat. Our double relationship to robotics is prominently present in the universe of Oh Magic where performers and machines meet, with trembling voices and childlike curiosity.
He finds his desire for the unpolluted answered in oriental, shamanic rituals, trance rituals, in the repetitive nature of folk culture, but just as well in abstract, contemporary dance and experimental music.
Oh Magic brings together the strength of technological magic, and the enchantment of pure simplicity, and lets them interact without prejudice.