The project, Three Milieus/Pieces, is the musical result of the latest collaboration between the composer Pierre-Henri Wicomb and the [free] improvising duo InterZones. This project which is still a work in progress aims to expand the approach towards interaction and being creative in this unconventional milieu (composer and two improvisers). A new way of generating and developing musical material is examined especially in this environment with strong undertones of 'instantaneous' composition. To reclaim some control in this fluid domain the psychoanalytical milieu was approached. It shares tangential points with this musical setup, which will be explained later in more detail, and was implemented as model and superimposed onto the dyadic practice of composer and musician[s]. This analogy is critical in the realisation of this project to be staged as an ‘opera’ and as means to re-think and modify this over-elaborate genre to better reflect our present-day environment.