CRASH – an ode to the fragility of life.
A cellist and a guitars awakens the a man and a woman from a car wreck to tell the story of their lost life, as it flashes before their eyes in the final second between life and death.
As they turn the car backwards, they go back in time and re-enact the high and low points of their love life.
CRASH boldly opens up to the viewer’s personal experience of the borderland between life and death. It is a provocative and innovative new music dramatic performance. A breathtaking musical soundscape in fusion with neo-puppetry and opera, live cello & noise guitar. A sensual journey through human emotions and conditions, embraced by a sharp visual scenography of light and wreck. The wreck is a cut through Audi, cut through the middle from front to back, it is moveable doing the play and is splitopen by the performance at the end of the play like jaws of death.
The song-cycle music moves from noise guitar to cello, from opera to heavy metal and poetic pop. A performance which imprints intense and provocative sensual images in the audience. Its a strong, emotional and controversial universe, resembling nothing else in the present repetoire of new music dramatics in DK.
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