Staatsoperette - the Austrian Tragedy
is a political music-theatre based on historical events, focused on the austrian civil-war 1934.
Crucial moments in Austrian history from 1927 - 1938, when the young democracy was ended and replaced by Austro-facism and finally abolished by Hitlers takeover. In 15 scenes the story is told in satirical manner. “Staatsoperette - the Austrotragedy” is much more a presentation of political and human behavior, as we can see it in many countries and at many time (Otto M. Zykan).
The historical persons are played with living-puppets performed by the singers themselfs.
Press-report (excerpt)
“Irene Suchy and the composer Michael Mautner adapted and amended the strongly shortened and accompanied-by-protests movie version of 1977 and created a sharp satiric-historic burlesque-play, set congenially in scene by director Simon Meusburger.
The beautiful-evil history lesson about Austria’s political rollercoaster in between in the world wars is an exceptional musical delicacy. And horrifying funny, with emphasis on horrifying."
Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung, 04/08/2016