Unsung Heroes of The Planet is an opera created around fungi and tree communication, created with leading scientists from The Eden Project. The audience journeys deep beneath the soil, and discovers the ecosystem as we follow three extraordinary organisms on a quest to reconnect with the forest. A fascinating and eclectic adventure, told through physical theatre, opera and spoken word.
Did you know that trees can communicate through an internet of fungus?
Forests are communities.
Fungi are their Unsung Heroes.
They are the guardians and recyclers who help the weak, protect the strong and return life’s goodness back to the soil, completing an eternal cycle.
Unsung Heroes of the Planet explores underground fungal networks called ‘mycelia’, their relationship with trees, and the damage inflicted by human intervention. It takes the form of the of lecture and personal reflection of a leading scientist. Meanwhile her fungi — trapped in experiment jars for far too long— are ready to use their entire gamut of abilities to escape and reconnect with the forest.
The piece challenges the way we see the world and the environment around us, and inspires connection with the environment. Environmental messages are increasingly doom-laden, impacting our ability to respond and take charge. Unsung Heroes offers an alternative, positive starting point which uses groundbreaking research to suggest the planet’s restoration can only come from listening to our greatest power: nature itself.
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