“Me, Icarus” was created exclusively for THEATER AN DER PARKAUE by the Kazakh composer Sanzhar Baiterekov and author Oliver Schmaering. Starting with the idea to create a new play about the myth of Icarus and his father Dedalus for a young audience with New Music, the team soon started to focus on the view point of Icarus as the son. How did he feel being captured in the labyrinth on Crete, which was constructed by his own father Dedalus? And this man shall be the one to rescue them now by inventing a method to fly? When the wings were built it was Icarus’ chance to finally escape from his father who predefined his life until this point. Everything Icarus longs for is independence and being loved for being himself. In our play Icarus gets the chance to finally tell his version of the old myth. Starting on the ground of the ocean, where he has been lying for hundreds of years, Icarus slowly finds his voice again accompanied by some foolish sounds. During the narration the music becomes his partner but also his opponent representing the labyrinth or the adults telling him what to do. Not only on the audible level, but also visually director Annette Jahns chose to involve the musicians in the actions taking place on stage. New Music is introduced to a young audience by connecting the means of this “rebellious” style with the narration itself.
“Me, Icarus” is a play for one actor and 5 live musicians that is an homage to being imperfect and learning by getting the chance to fail.