The Moon is a song-situation for 4 singers conceived as One-Big-Song shared and sung together. It is set in a possible now, where solitude, loneliness and the impossibility to communicate, are sublimated and replaced by an eternal adolescence full of togetherness: a life in the middle of countless possibilities. Fluid identities in a state of refusal for the impossible choices between the various disguises of contemporary nothingness.
The Moon can live as an early magic formula: a perforated art-synthesis shaped in a ritual. It is inspired by nothingness and sameness. Neither fiction nor reality but an artificiality: A reflection of a highly weird thus normal virtuality. The Moon invites the audience on a trip : a celebration of the subnormal. In a concentrated atmosphere we are stretching our brains in this moony constellation together with the audience.
So, let’s dig that hole! And make it deep! Or as they say in Emmental: the holes are also cheese. Eat, taste, smell, look, listen.19 Songs. Enjoy The Moon.
“I am the moon
it could be that I am
more moon than
I am myself”