Kill The West In Me is a groundbreaking music theatre concert which assembles the stories of the historical Kartini and the fictional Katini, performed by one actress and one singer. For this performance the award-winning Indonesian writer Ayu Utami, wrote a critical contemporary counterpart to the letters of Kartini (1879 – 1904), who is considered Indonesia’s first and foremost feminist. This counterpart is named Katini, instead of Kartini, an Indonesian housemaid who works in one of the Arabic oil states. She mirrors Indonesian histories of feminism, colonial relations and the abuse of power, but also critically reflects on Kartini’s views and the romantic stories that remained of her. What has come of Kartini’s dreams of free-spirited Indonesian women and her sisters in the distant West?
The two stories assemble several musical, theatrical and social histories. The music for this four-language libretto, is written by two innovative composers; Jonas Bisquert wrote for Gamelan ensemble Gending and Boudewijn Tarenskeen for stringquartet Doelenkwartet. The gamelan speaks for the histories of Javanese and Indonesian music while the stringquartes represent Western musical traditions. The actress uses influences of the Javanese Wajang, and the soparano combines traditional Javanese dances with elements of urban dance. The powerful encounter between strings and gamelan, the physicality of the performers both call for the same: to dismantle this inherited history of abuse.