And/Or/Pro/methe, as shown in this performance, is the story of an oppressed forgotten girl who gets reborn or regenerates from her anger and suppression as a runing machine to simultaneously destroy and be destroyed, and/ or the tale of a horrified lonesome woman who seeks, seeks, seeks safety or rest and welfare but doesn't find [even a glimmer], someone who doesn't go ahead but just sinks or falls downward, and/or the narrative of a semi-mad man who is obsessed with the theme of selection or choosing, neither this nor that, actually there is no option for him but fleet unattainable death which doesn't obey the fate or denstiny but [concurrently] obeys [or capitulates to it], [s]he strongly resists but weakly surrenders, shouts but is silent or neither can cry nor still, loves but hates, till [s]he [eventually]goes to his[/her] alter [to sacrify or be sacrified] but doesn't go; the constant slaughter of the past which never passes [or comes] and the future which never comes [or passes] or both which unremittingly pour in the perpetual present on the alter stone.
And/Or/Pro/methe is all about these and/or isn't; about [contemporary] human, as a species, who has been plagued or lost in the labyrinth of violence, totures, suffers, struggles, ruins, gets ruined, and rots.