


Ihre neue Arbeit „EXIT“ widmet Antonia Baehr einem allgegenwärtigen Phänomen westlicher Theaterhäuser: dem oligatorischen Leuchten der Notausgangsschilder. Während sie selbst genau wie viele andere Theaterkünstler*innen immer wieder Anstrengungen unternommen hat, diese „Störgeräusche“ einer wirklichen Dunkelheit zu unterdrücken, macht sie sie nun zu den „Stars“ ihrer Lecture Performance. „EXIT“ nimmt uns mit in eine Sphäre zwischen Licht und Dunkel, in der uns das grüne Glimmen mit den Paradoxien der vermeintlich stabilen Binarismen von „Drinnen“ und „Draußen“, „Sicherheit“ und „Gefahr“ und „Körper“ und „Bild“ konfrontiert – eine Traumreise durch das Verdrängte des Theaters und das Phantasma des von ihm maßgeblich mitgeprägten westlichen Menschenbildes.

// Credits //

Konzept & Performance: Antonia Baehr
Technische Leitung & Tondesign: Carola Caggiano
Dramaturgie: Lindy Annis
Dramaturgische Mitarbeit: Bettina Knaup, Mayte Zimmermann
Recherche: Manon Haase, Laura Schilling, Sarah Tehranian
Produktionsassistenz: Nele Beinborn
Organisation: Alexandra Wellensiek
Basierend auf Audio-Nachrichten von: Lindy Annis, Frédéric Bigot, Frieder Butzmann, Carola Caggiano, Mette Edvardsen, Silvia Fanti, Neo Hülcker, André Lepecki, JMK Nicholas, Stefan Pente, Anne Quirynen, Michael Schlund, Anna Wagner und einem Interview mit Susanne Görres.

Dank an: Cris Blanco, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Susanne Görres & Team HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Eva Meyer-Keller, Constanze Schellow, Anna Wagner und Team Künstlerhaus Mousonturm.

// Produktion //

Produktion: make up productions
Koproduktion: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt a. M.), Theater Freiburg (Freiburg)
Unterstützt durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ Koproduktionsförderung Tanz, gefördert aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.

// Autorin //

Antonia Baehr is a choreographer, performer, filmmaker and visual artist. Her works explore the fiction of the everyday and of the theatre, among other themes. She works together with various partners, frequently in the form of switching roles: from project to project, each artist alternately takes on the role of either guest or host. Baehr studied film and media arts at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin, with Valie Export (1996) and obtained a DAAD-grant and a Merit Scholarship for the School of The Art Institute of Chicago. There she completed her Master in Performance with Lin Hixson. Since 2006, she has taught as guest professor at several European colleges. She has taken part in diverse group exhibitions (re.act.feminism, Center for Contemporary Arts Estonia Tallinn, Museo de Arte do Rio, MACBA Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, et al.); in 2012 the Neue Kunstverein Gießen showed her work in a solo exhibition. From 2006 to 2008 Antonia Baehr was associate artist at the Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers. From March to May 2013, The Beursschouwburg, Brussels, presented a programme comprising performances and films as well as an exhibition: “make up: at Antonia Baehr and Werner Hirsch’s table”. The works shown included those of artists who have worked over many years in various roles together with Hirsch and Baehr, as well as numerous works by Hirsch und Baehr themselves. In 2008, her book “Rire / Laugh / Lachen” was published, and “Abedecarium Bestiarium – Portraits of affinities in animal metaphors” was published in 2014. Her long-term collaborators include William Wheeler, Valérie Castan and Lindy Annis, among others, and more recently Neo Hülcker and Latifa Laâbissi. Her productions for the stage encompass “Holding Hands” (2001); “Un après-midi” (2003); “Cat Calendar” (2004), with Antonija Livingstone; “Larry Peacock” (2005), coproduced by Andrea Neumann and Sabine Ercklentz; “Merci” (2006); “Rire / Laugh / Lachen” (2008); “Over The Shoulder” (2009); “For Faces” (2010); “My Dog is My Piano” (2012); “Abedecarium Bestiarium” (2013); “The Wildes” (2014), coproduced by Keren Ida Nathan (Ida Wilde) and Henry Wilde (Antonia Baehr); "Misses and Mysteries" (2015), with Valérie Castan; "Normal Dance" (2016); "Röhrentier" (2016); "Exit" (2018); “Consul and Meshie”, with Latifa Laâbissi (2018) and “Music for Dead Animals” (ongoing series) with Neo Hülcker. In collaboration with Sabine Ercklentz, Baehr produced “Abecedarium Bestiarium. Affinitäten in Tiermetaphern”, a feature for WDR 3 that was broadcast in February 2015; and in June 2015, “Misses und Mysterien” was broadcast as a radio play on WDR 3. Baehr is the producer of the horse whisperer and dancer Werner Hirsch, the musician and choreographer Henri Fleur, the composer Henry Wilt and the aspirant New Music composer and ex-husband Henry Wilde.


Montag, 22. Oktober 2018
Walter Bickmann
70 min