The world is too small. It is too big. "Démesure" explores the longing of our generation to cope in a present over-saturated with information. The world seems to get smaller all the time, and yet through this process its true vastness is exposed. Its complexity is endless, its interconnectedness unpredictable. The options available to us are limitless, power and helplessness exist side by side. "Démesure" therefore takes the form of a "mise en corps", and reacts to music by contemporary French and German composers, music that juxtaposes the beauty of fullness with the oppressive idea of a simultaneous dilation and compression.The audience is invited to examine this ambivalence together with the musicians, both musically and theatrically. Including new music by Franck Bedrossian, Christophe Bertrand, Raphaël Cendo, Martin Grütter, Johannes Kreidler, Sarah Nemtsov and Alexander Schubert. "Démesure" includes the following new music works which were cut into pieces and arranged as a completely new collage by Zafraan Ensemble with kind permission of the composers: Johannes Kreidler (*1980): "in hyper intervals" for violin, clarinet, percussio, piano and electronics, 2006-2009 (arr. Miguel Pérez Iñesta, 2015)
// Sarah Nemtsov (*1980): "Verlassene Orte / Berlin" for alto-flute, bass clarinet, harp, prepared piano and percussion, 2010
// Christophe Bertrand (1981-2010): "Satka" for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin and violoncello, 2008
// Martin Grütter (*1983): "Zirkelspielchen" for flute, clarinet, piano and percussion, 2011
// Alexander Schubert (*1979): "Laplace Tiger" for percussion and electronics, 2009
// Franck Bedrossian (*1971): "The edges are no longer parallel" for piano and electronics, 2013
// Raphaël Cendo (*1975): "Tract" for flute, bass clarinet, tubax, piano, harp, violin, viola and violoncello, 2007
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