Arabian Nights is a show for the whole family, set in a shimmering fairytale world with amyriad of colorful people and adventures.Commissioned by Operaverkstan, Malmo Opera, with music by Daniel Fjellström andlyrics by Vanja Hamidi Isacson Arabian Nights is a performance on Malmo Opera’smain stage with soloists, many children and young people, a banda orchestra playingon middle eastern instruments together with Malmo Opera Orchestra.Arabian Nights is about Sjeherazade who night after night tell tales to the gloomySultan Sjahriar to save her life. Each dawn she stops to tell when it's most exciting. TheSultan can not do other than to let her live, just one more night, to hear the end of thesaga. As soon as a story is finished, she finds immediately a new, even more stunningand amazing. Slowly awakened is the curiosity and the desire to listen to the sultan andhe is filled with the desire to know what happens next. Sjeherazade renders him thecolors, imagination and joy of life, and after a thousand and one nights sultan Sjahriarsurrenders. He sets Sjeherazade free and declares his love for her.Arabian Nights is a tapestry of stories and contains besides Sjeherazades own storyincluding that of the Genie in the bottle and the story about the Fairy Paribanu..