Dreams Music is a trans-media and music composition created by Czesław Minkus. The piece is written for an electro-acoustic orchestra MINKUS-TMAexplorers and includes human voice arrangements, electronically processed trumpet, and other electro-acoustic and electronic instruments. In addition to the material (photography, film, computer and graphic images) recorded during dream sessions and during other psychedelic states, the composition uses written “impressions” from these journeys. Later on, these impressions are altered using multi-layered computer processing and become a sort of video score which in turn forms a base for actor’s performances, space projections and musical themes. During the concert/spectacle it is planning a short introductory presentation concerning different topics of the composition delivered by a well-known psychopharmacologist, biochemist and neurobiologist – prof. Jerzy Vetulani. Looking back to the heritage of the ancient Greece, we find Plato mentioning the “musical dream” of Socrates. That dream used to occur regularly with an instruction: “Socrates, make music…” Democritus also pointed out the existence of musical dreams, and so did Lucretius, a famous philosopher and poet of ancient Rome. A project of the composition described above reaches into other regions of perception – it relates to contemporary musical/trans-media sensitivity. Using many potential ways of exploring the sound of dream (musical and other) –beginning with the latest scientific research (registration with the most recent technological devices all changes and pictures of brain during the sleeping session) through psychological techniques of interpreting (psychoanalysis, hypnosis etc) combined with the pure poetics of sounds, gestures and words, the composer expresses his message in a multi-channeled way, including a ‘biological’ transmission of his own dreams and visions connected with the altered states of mind. The project presents original form and progressive musical-transmedia language. Because the author uses the results of recent scientific research and new artistic ideas, the audience could explore the new spheres of artistic experience. This project is unique also because it offers completely new experience in artistic perception , it broadens the artistic experience reaching into the sphere of science, it uses the most recent audio-visual technology.