Can sounds describe a home, a place? Can they report about a country and tell us something about the culture there? How familiar does the outland sounds, how strange the things we know? Equipped with recorders, cameras and multi-band radios musiktheater bruit! travelled through Russia with the Trans Siberian Railway to explore the region of Chelyabinsk in the South Ural to see and hear if there is a certain kind of auditive identity which inheres in places and things. Do geographical and cultural borders also define listening-borders? In the South Ural bruit! found fossils of old german traditionals, came across proudly presented relics and monuments of a time that is long forgotten, listened to a lot of Russian folklore and got lost in endless birch forests. With the rhythm of the rails, the sound of the matryoshka-bells and the crescendo of the Russian soul the music theatre ensemble composed a German-Russian score. They sing along with the Cossacks, try to learn the Russian language, and re-enact the hospitality and frankness that they experienced. bruit! is interested in the borders of meaning and nonsense, of complexity and absurdity of everyday live. With the focus of perception and atmospheric spaces bruit! puts the collected sounds, pictures and experiences into new soundscapes and speech textures that compose their performance. So they create their own music-theatre-aesthetic that erases the borders between concert, fine arts and theatre.