The Cutter-Off of Water – An experiment with new, unusual sounds of acoustic instruments / Published in 1989, Marguerite Duras' Le coupeur d’eau (The Cutter-off of Water) is a moving short story inspired by a tragic fait divers: the suicide of an entire family after a waterworks employee cut off the water. Duras seeks to discover what the mother thought, said and did after she took her decision and what drove the employee to turn off the water. Was he just doing his job, or did he have an ulterior motive? Dirk Roofthooft brings this project together with his soul mate Diederik De Cock who composed the sound for the show Sunken Red (Bezonken Rood). Through the music, the audience has to experience the alienation, voyeurism, the uneasiness that lingers, the heat and the sweltering summer air.