Say Something - Three women and three men spin an everchanging spider's web of relationships. They talk to each other, but not a single concrete word is heard. They address each other with roars, snarls, chirps, hums, cheers and shouts. The stage composition is reminiscent in its form of the work of a choreographer, but with movement being replaced by voice. This is a further experiment by Jiří Adámek and his company with the principle that the author describes as theatre shackled by music. From the form of pure voiceband, in which the rhythm and melodics of Czech are sought, he here moves towards a made-up not entirely articulated language that imitates the way in which we hear - or fail to hear - other people's conversations in cafés: we are more likely to notice the intonation rather than the individual words, making the stories that thus make their way to us all the more attractive.
Each tone, each movement is like a calligraphy stroke by a brush across an empty canvas. Together they create an abstract (calli) graphic picture, a dance and movement performance, a musical composition.
(by Vladimír Hulec, Divadelní noviny)
The performance "Say Something" is a highly artistic, intellectual experiment, which focuses above all on the process of creation. It searches rigorously for basic (maybe primaeval) forms of theatre as a direct reflection of the (civil) world around us through human sound and movement.
(by Vladimír Hulec, In: Marta Ljubková et all (2013): Šťastná generace)
A production that will appeal to all those who want to use their active imagination in sharing in the creation of "sound" imagery and at the same time to discover some unusual forms of theatrical scene creation. The production does not, however, lack the features of experimental and laboratory research, and thus has much to say about today's general questions of the development of theatre. In this, too, it may be attractive for some knowledgeable and learned audience members.
(by Jan Císař, Divadelní noviny)
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