TaBALADA – This unusual street performance by a Czech – French theatre company combines the approaches and techniques of circus art, aerial acrobatics, physical and puppet theatre with music and singing. The script is freely inspired by the Japanese legend of Obasute and its literary treatment, the basis of the famous film The Ballad of Narayama. In the poor, remote village of Obasute it is the custom for old people who have reached the age of seventy to take themselves off voluntarily into the mountains to die. They are accompanied on their last journey to the summit of Narayama – the oak mountain where the souls of the dead gather – by their children.
"In TaBALADA, various elements are set in opposition to each other in amazing combination and balance. This is the author’s way of paying homage to Japanese philosophy, in which all opposites respect and honour each other. This makes the production’s content perfectly consistent, cogent and replete. The static image of the mother combined with the spontaneous and energetic movement of the children; subtlety with impulsiveness, love and death, good and evil and art with real life.
(by Marta Odziomek, Gazetka XIX. Festivalu Gliwickie Spotkania Teatralne)
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