The dramaturgy is structured around the scenery...
And in its movement, lies the dynamics of our relationships. The play has unfolded through our factual experience of this set, a story to write together, with the practise on this scenery and its potentialities. When suspended, it oscillates and swings, vanishing support of a ground that slips away. When rising, it then becomes a ceiling, a heavy and threatening cloud.
A crew of fortune, a tribe by necessity or illustrations of outcasts, nobody knows who are the five characters who inhabit this strange and protean space. Are they on a raft adrift, on a tiny island, or on another planet whose revolution they are subject to? There is only one certainty: these odd siblings find themselves on a vehicle... Between the machine and the man, who decides on the movement and on the engine’s direction?
They have no departure point, since their journey has started long before us, and they’re looking for a way out rather than a final destination. Here they are, embarked to the sound of a pulse, both insistent and pierced with blank pages, on a voyage where the territories they traverse are so many reveries, memories, and metaphors. A to and fro of games, melancholy, collections of happy sensations, and chaotic, sometimes astounding inner landscapes.
In this miniature epic, there are no Homeric heroes: everyone is revealed and projected in it, whether through a surge of brotherhood, delicate ties, or dizzying loneliness. And without a sound, in front of our eyes, unravels the poetic language of swinging, tectonic beings.
Tsirihaka Harrivel, Tom Neal, Maroussia Diaz Verbèke, Erwan Ha Kyoon Larcher, Mathurin Bolze.