TRAILER. Spielt nicht auf P.C. Based on a true story, The Strange Voyage of Donald Crowhurst follows the journey of 36-year old Donald Crowhurst, who set out from England in 1968 in an improbable-looking plywood trimaran to participate in the first single-handed, non-stop, round-the-world sailboat race. Although his previous sailing experience was limited and his boat unready, Crowhurst had managed to persuade an affluent backer, the contest judges and England ’s media to regard him as a serious contender.
Sailing south through the Atlantic, he rewarded their belief in him with reports of record-breaking sailing performances. In the South Atlantic , Crowhurst announced that low battery power would require him to maintain radio silence through the Indian and Pacific Oceans . Eleven weeks later he broke his silence to tell the world he had rounded Cape Horn and was sailing north for England , the elapsed-time leader of the race. Then tragedy struck.
Eight months after Crowhurst’s departure, his vessel, the Teignmouth Electron was discovered adrift in an eerie mid-Atlantic calm, intact but without her skipper. Intriguingly there were two logbooks, one with the fictional version of events that Crowhurst had offered to the media, the other providing the true account. The subsequent investigations into what happened have given us one of the most remarkable stories of human aspiration and human failing, bravery and foolhardiness, delivering the sea drama of the century.
In The Strange Voyage of Donald Crowhurst, Blue Raincoat Theatre Company explores the dual presentation of reality from the imagined viewpoints of Crowhurst and his wife, Clare, anxiously waiting at home and caring for their four children, marking his imaginary progress on a world map through the months of radio silence. Donald’s and Clare’s journeys, from hope to desperation, and finally into uniquely personal salvations, are traced and reflected back to the audience.