Questions about long-term work structures in the arts arise differently. They depend on the artist’experiences within their very own local structures, the institutional landscape of a region or country and the existing funding architectures for artists and institutions. Many urgent fields of discussion arise at the intersection of newly developing organisational structures and artistic interests. This panel opens with an international perspective of arts institutions on the question of how to enable process-oriented work structures in the performing arts.
This is a video recording of the first panel of the conference Ecologies of Care in Performing Arts.
More about the Conference:
For some time, more and more cultural organisations and funding institutions have offered artists the opportunity to apply for open-ended work processes without the urge and need to complete a full production. Art residencies especially offer the chance to find time for artistic research, open thinking and creative development.
How do these new work conditions influence the artists’ work individually and the arts landscape in general? How do cultural organisations and performing artists support and learn from each other in these changing work processes? And how are these new work conditions result of more and more pressuring financial constraints within the arts or resistance against them? This conference sheds light upon the changing work conditions within the performing arts.
The one-day international conference “Ecologies of Care in Performing Arts”, organised by Materia in Łódź and STUDIO2 of the International Theatre Institute Germany (ITI) in Berlin, is hosted at Academic Design Center of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. It is conducted in cooperation with the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute, Warsaw. The conference is part of the residency project “zwischen__räumen // między__miejscami”, conducted in 2023. The conference is funded by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.
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Ecologies of Care in Performing Arts Conference - Programmheft