Narrated by Alwin Nikolais, the film traces modern dance pioneer Charles Weidman’s career. It contains historical footage of Weidman performing with Humphrey, speaking about his work, and teaching a class in kinetic pantomime.
Dance reconstructions in order of Appearance:
"Study in Contrast"
"Men's Dance" from "New Dance", 1935
"Flickers", 1941
"Lynchtown", 1936 (Gabrian Dance Company)
"Brahms Waltzes", 1961 (Deborah Carr Theatre Dance Ensemble)
"Christmas Oratorio", 1961
"Traditions", 1935
"Visualization or From a Farm in New Yersey", 1974
and by Doris Humprey:
"New Dance", 1935
"Duo Drama", 1935