“The right hemisphere” refers to that part of our brain which is commonly associated with emotions and irrational or intuitive behaviors. That title, however, is treated more as a starting point from which to work on rather than an aim or a subject of the spectacle. StokÅ‚osa seeks a source of move- ment in the attributes of the right brain such as spatial orientation, imagery or musical sensitivity. But the project is certainly not interested in stimulating neurobiological discussions. It simply treats biology of the brain as a pretext to start searching for a physical equivalent of the incomprehensible, the illogical, the nonverbal. The poetic content of the spectacle reaches to both common and individual sensitivity of the audience through their memories, past experiences and emotions.
Source: http://www.marysiastoklosa.pl/performance/the-right-hemisphere
Aleksandra Borys, Hana Lee Erdman/Marysia Stoklosa, Aleksandra Justa/Karolina Dafne Porcari, Joanna Lesnierowska, Weronika Pelczynska