The rapture will be televised V is the fifth installment in a five-part series using hyper-reality to explore our current cultural obsession with the impending global apocalypse. The fifth installment continues to explore this fascination, this time using American R&B cornerstones such as vamping, melisma, live performance and melodrama as thematic tools to guide the framework. It got real emotional up in here too. The text that you are about to not-hear was pieced together from American R&B lyrics, using songs that were #1 on the charts between 1991-2000. The full text from these and other songs that inspired the work can be found in the foyer.
CALVIN KLEIN wurde 2011 von Alexander Coggin, Michael Burditt Norton und Jessica Lauren Elizabeth Taylor gegründet. Calvin Klein kombiniert Theater, Bewegung, Musik und Sound, um eine visuell stimulierende Hüpfburg zu erschaffen. Ihre Arbeit wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit und durch Auntsisdance (NYC), ETB, Jeremy Wade's Creature Feature, The Rockelmann + gallery und das 100ð Festival im HAU Hebbel Am Ufer präsentiert.
[Quelle: Abendzettel]
Alexander Goggin, Michael Burditt Norton, Jessica Lauren Elisabeth Taylor