



In Fountain Jeremy Wade circumvents traditional audience-performer dynamics and facilitates a generous group experience that evolves into a ritual dispossession. Wade assumes the role of preacher, shaman, and fool, by offering himself as a medium to receive and transform the energy of the theater space taking the audience on an emotional and alchemical journey. He filters the work through a practice called Fake Healing or Fake Art Therapy originally created by French Artist/Theorist Valentina Desideri. Drawing from affect theory, Desideri created a queer strategy that inspires people to practice various healing modalities with each other in an improvisatory and exploratory way outside of any authority or level of professionalism. She along with countless others are beginning to claim that symptoms of depression and anxiety in the height of advanced capitalism are no longer our own. These symptoms are so all pervasive in society that they are now structural problems and not personal problems. Fake Healing places mental and physical health in a creative domain based on a fluid relation to knowing, not knowing and pretending.

In Fountain Jeremy Wade circumvents traditional audience-performer dynamics and facilitates a generous group experience that evolves into a ritual dispossession. Wade assumes the role of preacher, shaman, and fool, by offering himself as a medium to receive and transform the energy of the theater space taking the audience on an emotional and alchemical journey. He filters the work through a practice called Fake Healing or Fake Art Therapy originally created by French Artist/Theorist Valentina Desideri. Drawing from affect theory, Desideri created a queer strategy that inspires people to practice various healing modalities with each other in an improvisatory and exploratory way outside of any authority or level of professionalism. She along with countless others are beginning to claim that symptoms of depression and anxiety in the height of advanced capitalism are no longer our own. These symptoms are so all pervasive in society that they are now structural problems and not personal problems. Fake Healing places mental and physical health in a creative domain based on a fluid relation to knowing, not knowing and pretending.

The practice can serve as a form of activism in which individuals reclaim the capacity to care for each other and ritualize. While doing so they actively dispossess them selves from the presupposed regimes of truth and authority that the Psychological and Pharma industries hold over our bodies. Fake healing takes pretending very seriously and empowers individuals to be creative and present as they care for each other.

/ CAST /

Choreography / Concept / Performance: Jeremy Wade

Music: Tian Rotteveel

Costume design: Jean-Paul Lespagnard

Light design: Andreas Harder

Dramaturgy: Eike Wittrock

Production: Björn Pätz & Björn Frers – björn & björn

A production by Jeremy Wade in co-production with the HAU and Gaîté Lyrique Paris. Supported by the Capital Culture Fund and the Governing Mayor – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs. Supported by the Tanzfabrik Berlin and the Uferstudios.

The TANZNACHT BERLIN 2012 is presented by the Tanzfabrik Berlin.

Supported by the Capital Culture Fund.


Erstmals in Berlin zeigt Jeremy Wade sein Solo Fountain als Resultat einer 2010 begonnenen Recherche. Bekannt für seine exzessiven, grenzüberschreitenden Performances, verbindet Wade in Fountain psychedelische und religiöse Erfahrungen zu einem grotesken Spektakel und verzerrt das Gewöhnliche ins Fantastische. In einer gleichermaßen anregenden wie schockierenden Situation von absoluter Ungewissheit nimmt er sein Publikum mit auf einen Trip. 

In der Rolle des Priesters, Narren und Schamanen bietet er sich als Medium an, um die Energie des Performance-Raumes aufzunehmen und zu transformieren: Die Bühne verwandelt sich in ein Kraftfeld, das die intersubjektiven Aktionen und Reaktionen in den Raum katapultiert und den Zuschauer mit sich reißt, so evoziert er ein Maximum an sinnlicher und gemeinschaftlicher Erfahrung.


Choreografie / Konzept / Performance: Jeremy Wade

Musik: Tian Rotteveel

Kostümdesign: Jean-Paul Lespagnard

Lichtdesign: Andreas Harder

Dramaturgie: Eike Wittrock

Produktion: Björn Pätz & Björn Frers – björn & björn

Eine Produktion von Jeremy Wade in Koproduktion mit dem HAU und Gaîté Lyrique Paris. Gefördert aus Mitteln des Hauptstadtkulturfonds und durch den Regierenden Bürgermeister – Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten. Mit Unterstützung der Tanzfabrik Berlin und der Uferstudios.

Die TANZNACHT BERLIN 2012 ist eine Veranstaltung der Tanzfabrik Berlin.

Gefördert aus Mitteln des Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

[hbg/msb] | [18.11.2020]

Freitag, 24. August 2012
Walter Bickmann
64 min