Was passiert, wenn zwei Performerpaare, die in dieser Form noch nie gemeinsam gearbeitet haben, unbedingt ein Stück zusammen machen wollen, davon erzählt »a coming community«. Pieter Ampe und Guilherme Garrido, noch in bester Erinnerung durch ihr brachial komisches »Still Standing You«, haben sich gemeinsam mit Hermann Heisig und Nuno Lucas ' den Schöpfern der skurrilen Annäherungsstudie »Pongo Land« ' in die kreative Wüste zurückgezogen, um einander näherzukommen. Ob es den vier unverwechselbaren Charakteren gelungen ist, zu einer Gemeinschaft zusammenzuwachsen? Eine Erfahrung, bei der Kunst und Leben verschmelzen.
Robert Steijn, who is connected with the performance as an outside eye, about »a coming community«:
»(T)he four men of ”ºa coming community”¹ agreed easily on the description: rough poetry. There was no discussion about it. But what does it exactly mean, this rough poetry, and how will it occur in the new performance? After visiting some rehearsals I imagine that a kind of rough poetry will appear especially in how the four men relate to each other on stage. (...)
At first glance, it doesn't seem an easy meeting between the four men who are present on stage. However, the desire to make a performance together is clearly felt. There is a big common drive to go for it. None of them gives up when it gets difficult. But there is a clear distinction between the four in how they are creative on stage. It seems there could be a big potential for conflicts and endless debates, but their poetic approach of being together on stage takes the heat out of the moment and emphasizes the sensorial experiences of being in such a situation. (...) Their theatrical poetry does something with time, it slows down the dramatic tensions, unravels them and opens a situation in different ways of looking at something and even into different ways of reflecting. ”ºa coming community”¹ plays with multi-layered ways of perceiving of how we can create something together, without losing the reality of being different. (...)
Like in good poetry, we must focus on insignificant details to make our view more complex, to get into other perspectives. Poetry plays with details that at first glance have no direct meaning, but start to work deep under the skin at the moment when one discovers them (...).«
[Quelle: Abendzettel]
Pieter Ampe, Gui Garrido, Hermann Heisig, Nuno Lucas