1. In »EN«, which is nothing else than the English version of »FR«, the concept »Dance« is coupled with a word allowing for a priori existent but never actualized dances to arise.
The Dance is therefore made of dances. They will be watched and read at the same time.
They are more literary dances than literal ones.
Text and dance are the descriptive partners of the performance.
A bit more perhaps.
A dances dictionary with moving pictures.
What is a deworked dance what is an indoor dance?
Why not?
It could be that in order to talk about dance one would have to create its own ones.
2. »G#$*&!/Disagreement?/How to dance things with doing« or a collective work that leads to move things in order to do. Collective doing leads to disagreement. Active disagreement makes room for things to happen. Several matters of disagreement require variety in its practice. Let's deal with things one after the other. The discussion is a bit disruptive so one can call it a succession of discussions. Oooooohhh is an option.
Listing things is helpful too:
-Hysterical emptiness.
Lists can be presented this way as well: collage, fiction, another fiction, words in mouths.
Néstor Garcia Diaz, Siet Raeymakers, Michiel Vandevelde and Cyriaque Villemaux made it. This is one form of community but Néstor Garcia Diaz, Siet Raeymakers, Michiel Vandevelde and Cyriaque Villemaux who got feedback from Bojana Cvejic and Christophe Wavelet will hopefully show others.
The piece allows for a way of thinking that has value by connections and agreements between different forms of expressing.
[Quelle: Abendzettel]
Der Trailer von "Disagreements?/How to dance things with doing" ist auf der Seite von Tanzforum Berlin verfügbar.
1. Polina Akhmetzyanova, José Paulo dos Santos, Néstor García Diaz, Siet Raeymaekers, Michiel Vandevelde, Cyriaque Villemaux 2. Néstor García Diaz, Siet Raeymaekers, Michiel Vandevelde, Cyriaque Villemaux