Resistance. Loss. Action. Stillness. A lonesome battle. A pounding relay race with no finish. Movement becomes a compulsive struggle to stay in control. Resisting the fleeting and the ephemeral. Bodies in resistance, bodies in surrender.
In Ann Van den Broek’s work, this comparable edginess is usually expressed indirectly through various themes. In Ohm the focus is on the concept of resistance and she strips her work of extraneous emotions to get to the core. The compelling style keeps the tangible resistance in the here and now. Ohm is like an endless tunnel. An absorbing and, ultimately, destructive sketch.
Ohm is a cover of Mijn solo voor Marie (Vernietigd), meaning My Solo for Marie (Destroyed), created in 1997 by Marc Vanrunxt. He is an original Belgian creator who has been leaving his mark on the performance and dance world since the ’80s.
(quelle: http://www.wardward.be/e-choreo-ohm.html)
Jan Martens, Cecilia Moisio, Judit Ruiz Onandi