A large projection screen is mounted against the scrim and a plush white carpet covers the dance area. Originally a group piece, reduced to a solo by lack of funds, this dance is inspired by a “poem book” about money by Christophe Tarkos. A French voice-over gives us excerpts of the text as the English translation appears on the large video screen. “Money is the sublime value”, “Money saves everything”, “Money is all encompassing”. Denault is at ease performing her vocabulary. Brief gesture phrases are mostly frontal, stationary and upright. I am interested by how she plays with timing and size of movement, going from a little hand movement to a full body scoop. However, the work loses tension because of the many long pauses and of her apparent nonchalance. Is this a statement about money? How is the dance related to the text? I crave longer, edgier phrases, and wonder what the group piece was like. (Quelle: http://www.thedancecurrent.com) / jst
Karine Denault