The scope of Ginette Laurin's most recent works has been to come as close as possible to human beings to probe their essence and singularity. In ANGELs, the choreographer takes us into the performers' intimate worlds. They themselves collaborated in the recreation of their performance fantasies, the basis of this new work. Extravagant, surprising, light, serious, and touching in turn, their individual dance dreams are transposed onto the stage and linked to each other in a series of solos and duos interspersed with the group figures that are the choreographer's signature. (Quelle:
Anm.: Ca.15min. Schluss fehlen - kein forward benutzen, DVD stoppt dann. Eine DVD mit Ausschnitten aus den Stücken "Passare", "Coppia" und "Traccia" befindet sich ebenfalls in der Hülle. / jst
Mélanie Demers, Patrick Lamothe, Brianna Lombardo, Robert Meilleur, Marie-Ève Nadeau, Michelle Rhode, Audrey Thibodeau