Das dazugehörige Bühnenstück AT LARGE verhandelt den ewigen, großen Diskurs zur Rolle des Tanzes als Kunst, Unterhaltung, Popkultur, Vergnügen, Kommunikation, Abstraktion, Identifikation, Ausdruck ' alles, um zwei kurze Fragen zu stellen: wo sind wir heute und wohin als nächstes?
AT LARGE is a dance performance accompanied by a book, a song, a screensaver, an invented dance fad called “scratching” and a series of videos screened in the lobby of the live performance ' all working together to question and articulate the position(s) of dance in the world today. Sliding between points of interest, connecting disparate frames of reference, transgressing spheres of relevance, Eleanor Bauer negotiates the persistent tropes of dance as art, entertainment, street culture, pleasure, communication, abstraction, identification and self-expression. AT LARGE confronts these recombinant histories in order to ask where we stand today and, of course, where to move next.
Femke Gyselinck, Manon Santkin