Produktion: La comapgnie du solitaire, RAUM/Xing-Bologna (I) im Rahmen der Reihe "Living room" ---
"Road Along Untitled Moments has been created and performed for the first time at Bologna in October 2007. It was a question of translating by physical actions some elements related to time, often inspired by Henri Bergson, and making visible this thing, which contrary to space, is invisible and indivisible: to unroll or untie the wire of time, a time which passes, a time which absorbs, time necessary, suspense...
Through a number of idiomatic expressions, there was some discussion literally inventing actions carrying the time which passes and about arranging them in a certain quality, that we call duration. From there the question of the framing and the glance of the spectator occurred. The fact of not being in a frontal relation has slightly moved the question of the adress to the public with the possibility of several points of view, being able to modify the distance where it is looking to.
In Berlin, we'll restage the questions raised in Bologna a few months ago at the space of Tanzfabrik."
Martine Pisani
Theo Kooijman