Hangman is a fusion of different theatrical and dance form, it combines elements from the long established Theatre of the Absurd with those of contemporary dance. Hangman is a game and the personage at the sametime. The naivety of clown farce is enriched by the charming use of Black Humour.A bizarre, comic and magical story brings you in a dark delirious place, lit with the swinging lamps andshattering shadows where three characters of Damn Trinity -the Blind, the Deaf and the Dumb-playing anendless puzzle game- who is the Victim. The gamble of this play let you see the shift of their roles andpositions. With the sketch-like visual stage transformation, Hangman would lead you through a various number ofsituations from the developing a crime, its investigation to the court and public execution as well as to diveinto the semantic puzzle of words Hang- or- man, manipulating with the meanings.Musically haunting- it is a thought provoking and inspirational piece.
// Credits //
Director: Evgeny Kozlov
Dancers: Alexander Bondarev, Evgeny Kozlov, Julia Tokareva, Irina Kozlova
Technician and performer: Tanya Williams
Stage and costumedesign: Do-Theatre company
Light design: Alexander Bondarev
Music: Tomas Newman, Pan Quartet