was given birth in 1995 as a grouping of formats and means balancing in the attempt. Joining their previous experiences and studies worked out in various fields, the six components agree with the intention of realizing specific projects, spurring the will to operate and to deal with actual ideas, and always in charge of all the aspects about the creations of their line: planning, conceiving, dramaturgy, distribution, management. Such a dynamic nature of the company has let Kinkaleri follow a route of artistic growth necessary to find and bring to ripeness a personal creative line, achieving important acknowledgments in the Italian and the foreign scene of contemporary art and performance, as an experimental group of a new generation. The absolutely original structure, both the organizational set and the particular artistic production, provides the essential coordinates to the will of creation that drives it: to subject to tension the representative relation between the object and the field it refers to (or should refer to). All the productions bear therefore that transverseness of signs that in the scene of contemporary art are more and more bringing to a crisis the fruition of the representation: a language kneading the languages making them foreign to themselves and then defining itself again somewhere else. The choreographic research has always been meant as a means inside a system looking for a quality that prefers the change, the interaction of original languages through the experimentation of different modes of display. Due to its nature, the productive and creative course of Kinkaleri has always found its development by means of varied itineraries - plays, performances, installations, video-making, sonorizations, stage settings, publications - hosted by contemporary art museums, theatres, festivals, dance and theatre exhibitions, video contests and exhibitions, sound installations, discothËques, television creations.