Nuria Fragoso Armenta was born in Mexico and studied at the Conservatory Dance in Morelos and at UAEM Social Anthropology (both 2002-2006). She has been part of different groups and collectives in relation to dance and movement arts: Taller Coreográfico del CODAM (2006-2008) Fóramen M. Ballet (2007-2008) Devorarte. Danza Clown (2009) Marcel Leeman/Mex (2009) Marien Luévano – Duende Flamenco- (2006-2008) Colectivo Hipsofacto/Mex.CZ.CA (2008-2011) Colectivo Inquietando (2009-2010) Círculo de Danza Africana con Sorcha Maluk, Nevada City, CA (2011) Colectivo AM (2010-2012) Interferencias (2010-2012) [Quelle: ] msb