Estnische Tänzerin, Performerin und Choreographin (Tallinn). Katrin Essenson has been creating dance performances since 1998. She graduated from the Tallinn Pedagogical University choreography department and at the moment studies Interdisciplinary Arts in the Estonian Academy of Arts. Her works have been performed at various dance festivals in Estonia, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Sweden and etc. In her works Katrin deals with issues such as comfort / discomfort (“ on the fl y , version nr.2.); private / public space (“ on the fl y , version nr.1, open space performance); power of imagination / manipulation (“ Powered by Heroes Vol.2. , “ Absolutely Raw Cinematic Power Vol.3 ); faults / perfections / myths (“…jusqu’ ici, ca va bien, “…so far so good); entertainment / pleasure phenomenon (“ Abuzz ); limitations (“According to the law ). (Quelle: Kanuti Gildi Saal)