I'm a performance and video artist and I write. Jaggardly interweaving popular and high artforms- with interdisciplinarity mapping the complex systems of the human somatic body/mind in anarchic and complex ways- organic, conceptual- always intuitive and holistic, often chaotic and violent, sometimes harmonious- the interest for me in CHOREOGRAPHY as a base platform is to lucidly or not reflect via body and presence internal and external personal/political spaces, thoughts, experiences, emotions.. as a collective- spaces which are always inseparable.. maybe transform a few individuals, communities, get some giggles etc, move people, make some mistakes, learn grow etc.. be brave, keep real. stop lying to yourself. subversively entertain people. STOP! keep alive and moving.. evolving consciously or not. knowing you don't know everything... or at times anything. keeps it fresh, in the present, powerful and vulnerable. OPEN. I'm from Auckland New Zealand and have been living in Berlin for 2 years and FREEDOM is my buzz. BUZZ. I feel like I'm going to give birth to a book any time soon. (Quelle: alexawilson.blogspot.de) csm