
Amfitheater, Journal of Performing Arts Theory, Band 4, Number 1


The first issue of the fourth volume of Amfitheater features four articles by Slovenian authors as well as three book reviews. The articles presented in the previous issue were chiefly characterised by a more sociologically-based approach; as a consequence, traditional theatre genres were the foreground. This time, however, the authors embark on more contemporary genres which purposely transcend the conventional limitations of the main theatre types. The first three articles, originally written in the English language, deal with some contemporary theatrical events that took place between 2009 and 2015. (...) Title of the articles: The Spectator's Cognitive Substitution of the Absent Performer's Phenomenal Body (by Tomaž Krpič) On the Embodied Critique of/in Performance (by Nenad Jelesijević) The Inoperative Theatres: On a Being Together of Singularities An essay on Recollections by Dalija Aćin Thelander and the second Time by Simona Semenič (by Mala Kline) The Choreopoem or Poetic Drama by the African American Feminist Author Ntozake Shange (long abstract) (by Katja Gorečan) The fourth volume of Amfitheater also featured reviews of three publications that, each in its own way, place Slovenia onto European and world maps. Sandra Jenko's scientific monograph Jubilejno gledališče cesarja Franca Jožefa v Ljubljani. Zgodovina nastanka in razvoj nemškega odra med 1911 in 1918 [The Jubilee Theatre of Emperor Franz Joseph in Ljubljana. The History of its founding and the Development of the German Stage between 1911 and 1918] is denotet by Aldo Milohnić as "an important filling of the gap in the history of Slovenian theatre" altough the theatre itself actually produced performances in the German language. The two collections of essays issued by Maska are not in the Slovanian language either, but in English. The essay collection MISperformance: essays in shifting perspectives, edited by Marin Blažević and Lada Čale Feldman, continues the reflection on (mis)performance as started in 2009 and 2010 at Performance Studies International, a central conference in the field of performance studies. The second collection presented is Janez Janša: Life II [in Progress] edited by Janez Janša. In addition to five texts presenting a wide range of interpretations of the on-going performance art piece Life [in Progress] and performance materials, the publication also features a rich slection of photographs by Nada Žgank. (Preface by Maja Šorli, Editor in Chief)

Amfitheater, Journal of Performing Arts Theory, Band 4, Number 1

Baltikum - Ägäis
ISSN 1855-4539
Slovenian Theatre Institute and University of Lubjana, Academyof Theatre , Radio, Film and Television